Healthy Life Styles, Congrats YG

YG, known as Yogi Goddess, to our Music Lounge and fans,
can be listed and found as: Dr Moore, during the dayshift.

This real yogi, beyond the music,
has officially dropped down to a size 10, over the past 3 seasons.

Her Seasonal Routine has been.

1. Small portions.
2. Food and diet monitoring for higher vibrations and Feng Shui. This relates to Chakra Yoga
3. Proper Protein Management for healthy blood sugar levels.
4. cutting down on super sweets and junk food.
5. keeping a fitness coach, boot camp trainer; the Board's VP2
6. Seasonal inch measurements to monitor unhealthy and high risk-belly fat over 35 inches.
7. Goal will be to manage sizes 9/10, nothing less for height.
8. Fitness includes; actually nothing strict or stressful, yoga therapy/medical yoga, pilates, home office stair climbing during the day. This creates a balance for computer work, tech work, 3D Life, and online projects.

*To long life and healthy life styles* 

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